Kinetic heat transfer processes of contiguous atmospheric molecules render surface BB impossible.
RGHE is bogus & CAGW is a scam!
FACT 1: Remove the Earth’s atmosphere or even just the GHGs and the Earth becomes much like the Moon, no water vapor or clouds, no ice or snow, no oceans, no vegetation, no 30% albedo becoming a barren rock ball, hot^3 (400 K) on the lit side, cold^3 (100 K) on the dark. At Earth’s distance from the Sun space is hot (394 K) not cold (5 K).
That’s NOT what the RGHE theory says.
RGHE theory says “288 K w – 255 K (-18 C) w/o = a 33 C colder ice ball Earth” 255 K assumes w/o keeps 30% albedo, an assumption akin to criminal fraud. Nobody agrees 288 is GMST + it was 15 C in 1896. 288 K is a surface measurement. 255 K is an equilibrium calculation at ToA. Apples and potatoes.
Nikolov “Airless Celestial Bodies”
Kramm “Moon as test bed for Earth”
UCLA Diviner lunar mission data
JWST solar shield
ISS HVAC design for lit side of 250 F. (ISS web site)
Astronaut backpack life support w/ AC and cool water tubing underwear. (Space Discovery Center)
FACT 2: The GHGs require “extra” energy upwelling from a surface radiating as a Black Body.
According to TFK_bams09 atmospheric power flux balance, numerous clones and SURFRAD the GHGs must absorb an “extra” 396 BB/333 “back”/63 2nd net W/m^2 LWIR energy upwelling from the surface allegedly radiating as a Black Body. These graphics contain egregious arithmetic and thermodynamic errors.
FACT 3: Because of the significant non-radiative, i.e. kinetic, heat transfer processes of the contiguous participating atmospheric molecules the surface cannot upwell “extra” energy as a near Black Body.
As demonstrated by experiment, the gold standard of classical science.
The comment you have submitted exposes your ignorance of the important role that energy plays in everyone's standard of living and quality of life. This is the point that the article was trying to illustrate. Your pathological hatred of hydrocarbons and attempt to demonize anyone who takes an objective view of the energy sector is unhelpful and corrosive. Perhaps you should consider seeking professional help to treat your derangement.
Democratic party of freedom wants GHE/GHG/CAGW denial/”disinformation” to be a crime (Walz, et. al.).
Real criminals are the bellicose, screeching, fearmongers and their bogus GHE.
Believe = religion
Think = opinion
Know = science
Here’s what I know.
Water vapor, clouds, ice, snow create 30% albedo which makes the Earth cooler not warmer.
W/o GHE there is no water and Earth goes lunarific, a barren rock ball, 400 K lit side, 100 K dark refuting a warming GHE.
“TFK_bams09” GHE heat balance graphic and ubiquitous clones don’t balance plus violate LoT.
Kinetic heat transfer processes of contiguous atmospheric molecules render a surface black body and it’s “extra” upwelling GHE energy impossible.
GHE is bogus and CAGW a scam so alarmists must resort to fear mongering, lies, lawsuits, censorship and violence.
Earth is cooler with atmosphere/water vapor/30% albedo not warmer.
Ubiquitous RGHE heat balance graphics don't + violate GAAP & LoT.
Kinetic heat transfer processes of contiguous atmospheric molecules render surface BB impossible.
RGHE is bogus & CAGW is a scam!
FACT 1: Remove the Earth’s atmosphere or even just the GHGs and the Earth becomes much like the Moon, no water vapor or clouds, no ice or snow, no oceans, no vegetation, no 30% albedo becoming a barren rock ball, hot^3 (400 K) on the lit side, cold^3 (100 K) on the dark. At Earth’s distance from the Sun space is hot (394 K) not cold (5 K).
That’s NOT what the RGHE theory says.
RGHE theory says “288 K w – 255 K (-18 C) w/o = a 33 C colder ice ball Earth” 255 K assumes w/o keeps 30% albedo, an assumption akin to criminal fraud. Nobody agrees 288 is GMST + it was 15 C in 1896. 288 K is a surface measurement. 255 K is an equilibrium calculation at ToA. Apples and potatoes.
Nikolov “Airless Celestial Bodies”
Kramm “Moon as test bed for Earth”
UCLA Diviner lunar mission data
JWST solar shield
ISS HVAC design for lit side of 250 F. (ISS web site)
Astronaut backpack life support w/ AC and cool water tubing underwear. (Space Discovery Center)
FACT 2: The GHGs require “extra” energy upwelling from a surface radiating as a Black Body.
According to TFK_bams09 atmospheric power flux balance, numerous clones and SURFRAD the GHGs must absorb an “extra” 396 BB/333 “back”/63 2nd net W/m^2 LWIR energy upwelling from the surface allegedly radiating as a Black Body. These graphics contain egregious arithmetic and thermodynamic errors.
FACT 3: Because of the significant non-radiative, i.e. kinetic, heat transfer processes of the contiguous participating atmospheric molecules the surface cannot upwell “extra” energy as a near Black Body.
As demonstrated by experiment, the gold standard of classical science.
For the experimental write up see:
No RGHE, no GHG warming, no CAGW or mankind/CO2 driven climate change.
Obviously your pushing oil and gas companies propaganda . Sorry this energy consumer isn’t buying it .
The comment you have submitted exposes your ignorance of the important role that energy plays in everyone's standard of living and quality of life. This is the point that the article was trying to illustrate. Your pathological hatred of hydrocarbons and attempt to demonize anyone who takes an objective view of the energy sector is unhelpful and corrosive. Perhaps you should consider seeking professional help to treat your derangement.
And by the way learn how to spell.
Love this. The perfect encapsulation of our incredible energy rich reality. We need a chain reaction of lightbulb moments!