Thank you for your optimistic article regarding the need to restart Germany's nuclear power reactors. One of the challenges I observe is that many of the special interests that wish to implement the German nuclear to coal transition are hidden. This is parallel to the planned nuclear to coal transition in California, USA. Californians for Green Nuclear Power's (CGNP's) GreenNUKE Substack's most recent article regarding this controversy is, "A sneaky, indirect plan that could shut down Diablo Canyon by out-of-state coal interests." https://greennuke.substack.com/p/a-sneaky-indirect-plan-that-could

Warren Buffett's PacifiCorp, which operates a fleet of coal-fired power plants in Wyoming and nearby states would be the primary economic beneficiary of a planned nuclear to coal transition in California. There are several related articles at the GreenNUKE Substack. The challenge is to publicize this controversial plan before Diablo Canyon Power Plant is needlessly shut down before 2030.

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This is a fantastic article about Germany's nuclear fleet that could be restarted. I find it thoughtful that they bought a huge supply of uranium from Russia last year, just in case.

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